Кафедра прикладної математики


The learning process

The Department of Applied Mathematics prepares

bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy in the following specialties:

113 – Applied Mathematics (specialization Applied Mathematics).

124 – System analysis (specialization System analysis).

The educational activity of the Department of Applied Mathematics is conducted only in the full-time (full-time) form of education, recently combined with the distance form of education.

The educational process of full-time education involves personal contact between teacher and student, provides the acquisition of deep systemic knowledge, sustainable skills. Full-time students are required to attend all classes in accordance with the class schedule (http://cist.nure.ua) and timely complete assignments in accordance with the working curriculum and work programs of credit modules.

Distance learning involves various forms of classes (lectures, practical classes, laboratory work, consultations, exams and defense of certification work) using modern communication technologies. All disciplines have their own pages in the Moodle system, which contain teaching materials. According to the class schedule, students connect to Google Meet video conferences.